The Temptation Of Might :

New Orientation Information

New Orientation Booster Pack

MC Donald's vs Burger King

Worpel Elec-Sheep

Terror Machine Type-Worpel

Worpel Dracula

Worpel Pacman

New World

Barrier of the New World

New World Terror Robot

New World Shining Dragon

Dobby LV2

Spell - Serpensortia

Spell - Alohomora

Spell - PetrificusTotalus

Legendary Kingdom Hero - Zurg

Legendary Kingdom Hero - Darkwing Duck

Kingdom Hero - Merry Christmas

Kingdom Hero - Beatiful Day

Keepers Of Udjat - Ishtar the Goddess of Love

Keepers Of Udjat - Nike the Goddess of Victory

Keepers Of Udjat - Xia the Hunter

Keepers Of Udjat - Thor the Thunder

The Loc Station

Tutoichi the Black Locomotive

Smokoichi the Smoke Locomotive

Lucioichi the Evil Locomotive

Shin Light Goddess Queen Ikne

Shin Light Illusion Queen

Shin Light Armor Knight

Shin Light Ritual

Angelic Order Supernal - The Source of Existence

Angelic Order Celestial - Astrael

Angelic Order Illumination - The Light

The Trumpeter - Angel of Death